Dulverton Station Model Railway Exhibition
While you are in Town, come to visit for a bit of 1935 magic, experience some pre-WW2 transport and imagine you are on the platform at Dulverton Station changing trains for the scenic Exe Valley line.
The working model of Dulverton Station at the Heritage Centre

Closed Until April 2025
Monday 11.00am - 2.30pm
Tuesday 11.00am - 2.00pm
Wednesday 11.30am - 2.30pm
Thursday 11.00am - 3.00pm
Friday 10.30am - 12.45pm
Saturday 11.00am - 12.45pm
Dates as per Centre Opening
other times by appointment
telephone 07790574871
e-mail railway@dulvertonheritagecentre.org.uk

The real Dulverton Station was located 1.5miles south of Dulverton at Brushford, the largest station on the line from Taunton to Barnstaple, built between 1870 and 1873 by the Devon and Somerset Railway Company. Later in 1884 the Tiverton and North devon Railway added a line from a junction at Morebath, just a short way east of Dulverton, along the Exe Valley, initially to Tiverton and then extended to Exeter. Both of these and many other lines in the West of England and Wales were incorporated into the GWR in 1901 running with that branding until the formation of British Railways in 1947.
The railway transformed the lives of local people as for the first time they could travel from Dulverton to Taunton, Tiverton, Exeter and even to London easily and quickly. The service was well used over many years for passenger and freight traffic, in its heyday carrying 20,000 tons of goods and 25,000 passenger journeys in one year.
This came to an end when Dulverton Station was closed in 1966 as part of Beeching’s recommendations, the station site being eventually purchased by the Carnarvon Arms Hotel proprietor. For the next 25 years or so, many of the buildings stood empty initially but the development value of the site became evident. Today, many of the old railway structures have been removed; most of the original railway buildings have been converted into dwellings, a new house has been built and the site has been transformed, taking on a different life.
A group of local enthusiasts keen to preserve the memory of Dulverton's link with the railway conceived a plan to recreate the station in model form with working trains. With the vision and forethought of these very dedicated volunteers, financial backing and the fortuitous provision of a dedicated home provided by the Dulverton & District Civic Society, the dream of creating a Dulverton Station Model Railway was realised. The project commenced in 1996 and although most of the layout was completed over the following ten years parts were added later and in reality the work is still in progress today.
For the 2024 season there are many behind the scenes technical improvements to the model itself, for those with an interest in such matters here are a few highlights. The block occupancy system is now completely converted from magnetic reed switches to current sensing using Lenz LRB08 modules which has simplified the wiring to a great degree. All of the "older" noisy point motors have been replaced by new servos with custom mounts, these and the new working signals being operated using "Arduino" microprocessors. Several items of updated rolling stock and new locos allowing the formation of new trains and a more extensive working schedule are also on in place. There are new interpretation panels for the railway shed outlining some of the more human aspects of the railway history involving GWR and the the link with the Carnarvon family and Pixton Hall. Altogether a fresh new start for 2024.
The project itself is being continually developed and, with the help of volunteers, the model railway is on view to members of the public on a daily basis and it is planned for this to be continued throughout the season.
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